Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is home to countless amounts of wildlife, which boasts some of the most incredible and unique creatures on the continent. This massive savannah environment creates an opportunity for sightseeing among the wonders of nature. 

From the elusive lions to the rare species of animals, the mara leads to an exciting experience for enthusiasts and photographers.


Why is Maasai Mara a home to the endangered species?


Diverse Ecosystems

The grasslands, woodlands, and riverine forests of Maasai Mara support diverse animal species and this has made the area to be ideal for the habitation of various species. This diversity ensures that rare animals can live freely in the environment they prefer to inhabit.


Conservation Efforts

Efforts put in place targeting conservation within the Mara region have contributed to ensuring that endangered species are preserved and that there are healthy stocks of rare animals. Such steps help to ensure that future generations inherit such magnificent creatures.


Some of the rare animals to find in Maasai Mara include;

  1. Black Rhino


Maasai Mara is among the few places in the world where you would find the black rhino, which is listed as critically endangered. With less than 1000 of them still inhabiting the wild, it is a rare pleasure and a unique opportunity to see one of these generally prehistoric-looking animals.


Best time to see black rhinos:

  • Early morning, late afternoon
  • This is because during the dry season which is between June and October foods produced are less in supply.

  1. Pangolin


Commonly known as scaly anteaters, these animals are among the most trafficked in the world. These are scarce and tend to be only sighted during the night hence coming across them in Maasai Mara will be an exciting moment for the enthusiast.

Pangolin spotting tips:

  • Join night game drives
  • It can be found near termite mounds.

  1. African Wild Dog

wild dogs

Otherwise referred to as the painted wolf, the African wild dog has been ranked among the most endangered large carnivores in Africa. Maasai Mara is one of the few places where these social canines can be found; these dogs have very particular coat patterns and an incredibly coordinated system of hunting.

Best places to spot African wild dogs:

  • Open grasslands
  • This ad was taken near the Mara River, especially during the migration of the wildebeest.

  1. Caracal


This wild cat of medium size is characterized by its vivid appearance and proportionally large ears. Caracals are generally scarce and mostly nocturnal and that is why one rarely comes across them in Maasai Mara.

Caracal spotting opportunities:

  • Night game drives
  • Areas with dense vegetation

  1. Aardwolf


This is a member of the hyena family, with a small, carnivorous body, and is hardly ever sighted by tourists. They are very timid animals which are predominantly nocturnal and have mostly their diet consisting of termites.

Where to look for aardwolves:

  • Termite-rich areas
  • Grasslands especially in the early morning or late evening.


When Is the Best Time to Visit Maasai Mara for Those Unique Animal Encounters?

dry season

The dry season covers the period between June and October.

It is well understood that the dry season is the best period to observe the most exotic animals in Maasai Mara. As water sources reduce, animals are drawn closer to the few rivers and waterholes in existence and hence a higher probability of coming across the difficult-to-spot species.


Advantages of visiting during the dry season:

  • There will be a better view since there is less vegetation cover.
  • Concentration of animals near these water sources
  • It occurs at the same time as the other spectacular event, the Great Wildebeest Migration.


Wet Season: This is the rainy season and this is from November to May of the following year.

Yes, the wet season has its drawbacks, but it is also one of the best times to observe peculiar species in Maasai Mara.

Benefits of visiting during the wet season:

  • Lush, green landscapes
  • Less crowd, which would eventually allow tourists to have up and close experience with wildlife.
  • Sighting of newborn animals and migratory birds.


Some Guidelines for Identifying Remote Animals in Maasai Mara


  1. Hire an experienced guide: Professional local tour guides do understand animal behavior and areas they are most likely to be seen in helping you get the best view.
  2. Be patient: It is important to know that animals are referred to as rare for that very reason. It takes time to look for these animals especially if they are rare in the wild.
  3. Use binoculars: Carry a good quality binocular to view the animals from a distance without having to approach them.
  4. Participate in different safari activities: Daily game drives, walking safaris, and balloon rides to increase your viewpoints and increase your chances of spotting rare animals.
  5. Visit less crowded areas: Visit the nearby conservancies that come with significantly less crowds and larger populations of the wild animals.


Pre-Trip Planning for Maasai Mara Safari


When planning your trip to see rare animals in Maasai Mara, consider the following:

  1. Duration: It is recommended to spend at least 3-4 days for the higher possibilities to see the unique species.
  2. Accommodation: Select lodges or camps that undertake sustainable and wildlife conservation practices in Tanzania.
  3. Transportation: Ensure that you work with an accredited tour company that provides safe, clean and well-maintained safari cars.
  4. Photography gear: Make sure to bring the right equipment for photographing your hunting experiences with the animals.
  5. Health and safety: It is wise to visit your doctor and discuss all the relevant vaccinations and medications that you may require for the trip.



Maasai Mara Game Reserve brings along unique possibility to observe some of the most exceptional and enigmatic species of Africa in their natural environment. 

From the shy black rhinoceros to the rare African wild dog, the Mara offers much for the wildlife enthusiast out to see them all. This means that when planning your visit and taking a trip to this successful site, you are ensuring that the beauty of these animals will still be seen by future generations. 

The Maasai Mara Natural Park offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty of nature and unprecedented creatures firsthand through an adventurous safari.